Advent Resources


Advent is a season to wait, reflect, and anticipate the arrival of Jesus once again. Each year we are invited to settle our souls and consider the miracle of our Messiah coming to dwell with us. It is a time to embrace meekness, brokenness, humility and raw humanity. We are swept into the miracle that God did not despise our weakness. In love he became like us.


This daily prayer resource created by Katie Egli provides a breath prayer, scripture verse, story, and song. It was written with families with young children in mind but can be used by anyone, both individually, or in a corporate setting. It can be done efficiently in 15 minutes or take a full hour to unpack. Feel free to adapt it to your level of creativity and capacity. Stories referenced are found in the Jesus Storybook Bible or read aloud on youtube.

A collection of music & art from Jesse & Leah Roberts for this Advent season.

An Advent devotional book created by Danielle Burgess.


This free download includes a reading guide, printable ornaments, activity suggestions, and coloring pages and is meant to be used as a companion to the Jesus Storybook Bible. Parents can tailor it to their capacity and partner it with other resources they enjoy.

Lectio 365: is a free app you can download on your phone or access online. It is a daily devotional that will help you pray the Bible each morning and evening. Throughout December readers will focus on the Advent season. It can be used individually, as a family, or with a group of friends/Home Church setting.

Lectio for Families: Uniquely geared towards families with children ages 7-11, this app is designed to help families read the Bible together and pray the Word. Throughout Advent the content will be specific to the season and feature meaningful ways to help kids engage in prayer. 

The Bible Project has a guide that helps us understand what Advent is, why it’s important and how it’s celebrated.


Advent is a wonderful time to reflect on a Savior who came to bring light and life to the world. We can celebrate the good gift of Emmanuel by sharing His light with those in need. We encourage you to be creative and consider ways to show Christ’s generous love with those around you.

City Union Mission and Shelter KC: City Union Mission has a detailed list of needs on its website including but not limited to: food items, clothing items, and warm essentials. Shelter KC serves over 10,000 meals during the advent season and is receiving donations to their pantry to cover the need. They also host “Christmas at the Crossroads” an event that requires a few hundred volunteers and serves the homeless population in our city.